Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Keetah, the All Knowing

The past few mornings, Keetah has been extra snuggly and cute. Whereas she usually sits on the floor below my sleeping head and meows pitifully for food beginning around 5:45 am, recently she has been jumping onto the bed and insisting upon lying right next to me. Although this wakes me up each time she moves around, I find it an improvement over the insistent meowing.

With Keetah in my arms, I dream about cats and often carry Keetah around in my dreams.

I think she knows something's up. Something BIG. Something that makes me sad in a good way.

I don't have a new photo of Keetah to post, so here's one of my favorites from last year:

Yes, I am always this beautiful.

Other Things
A co-worker just gave me a squash the size of a small child. I can't wait to carry it on the train and bus this evening.

I've found a terrific blog with tons of restaurant reviews for Albuquerque. We're set.

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