It's a friendly little critter. When Porkchop took the photo, she had to hurry back inside before we acquired a new house pet.
It's a bit hard to remain angry at such a cute animal. Yes, I think raccoons are cute! The band around the eyes, the ringed rail, the little pointy noses....what's not to love? [Besides ransacked trash bags and birdseed feeders.]
Not So Cute
I think it's my duty to start CAPU - Campaign Against Public Urination.
I'm really freaking tired of seeing guys just whip it out to pee. Maybe, MAYBE, I can understand pulling off in the industrial junkland near the Grand Metro stop to pee, but not really. Especially when it's two guys and two girls in a car and the guys are standing in plain sight by a building peeing. I think it's a macho-macho thing. "Hey, pull over here - I gotta piss." "Yeah [snort] me too."
So, I REALLY don't understand the guy who pulled over to take a whiz across the street from our apartment. We live on ARSENAL right across from Tower Grove park. It's a HEAVILY TRAFFICKED street. And, there are PORTA-POTTIES by the softball/kickball fields. Would it kill you to drive 30 more seconds and use one?
Also, this guy was with another guy. Again, I wonder what happens in these conversations. "Yeah, just pull over here....across the street from these two girls getting out of their car and across from the church. This looks like a good spot to take a piss in the gutter."
Okay, so from now on, I have had it.
I'm going to start carrying my Wash U safety whistle and start calling attention to these pissballs.
For the love of God, at least carry a cup or bottle in your vehicle that you can use in emergency situations. DO NOT PEE in the street across from our apartment! That is gross!
I think the public urination is just an excuse for straight guys to see each others' penises.
You could be on to something there...
You can retaliate like this local guy did:
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