Friday, June 23, 2006

Cotton Candy

Last night, Porkchop and I went to see Circus Flora after having our cobb salad. Circus Flora was awesome! I can't wait to go again next year.

I don't know why, but give me trapeze artists, some jugglers, and cotton candy, and I'm happy. Circus Flora didn't stop there, however; we also saw bareback stunts, trained horses and dogs, and high-wire acts. That's right...the Flying Wallendas performed their famous 7-person pyramid, which made me so nervous to watch because they do it all without a safety net.

Circus Flora brought us to tears a few times, as all circuses should. [BTW, I don't go to circuses with caged or poorly treated animals. Circus Flora is in fact named after an elephant that one of the founders saved from being poached. They're good circus people.]

Unfortunately, I'm not feeling very well and must sign off early. I had such big plans for this evening....applying to two jobs, doing some yoga, and more blog stuff. However, around 7:00, I looked up from writing a cover letter and realized the room was starting to slowly revolve around me. After more than an hour of sleep, I still feel gross. Darn!

Have a good night!

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