I found a promising job posting last week, so over the weekend I was all about this:

So, OF COURSE, right after this conversation I checked the job posting and found that it was no longer there!! ARGH!!
I didn't even get a chance to submit my stinking application, and I feel really deflated.
But at least my supervisor is aware that I won't hesitate to apply for other positions. I'm hoping this leads to at least a small raise and/or title change to truly reflect all of the activities that I do. I like most of what I do, and I want to be recognized properly for my work.
During the week, Porkchop suggested we go out to lunch. To Pappy's Smokehouse! I've been wanting to try Pappy's for a while, and I'm so glad we went there. We both had the lunch special with the pulled pork sandwich. The pork was crazy tender and moist - nothing dry or chewy about it! So good! The sauce is served on the side, and since I combined all three sauces on my sandwich, I can't write about them individually. But I did enjoy what I had. For my side dish, I had the sweet potato fries. Also quite tasty!

When we arrived at Pappy's, the place was packed and the line to order was long. Fortunately, it moved quite quickly, and many of the orders must have been take out because we found a place to sit right after ordering. The sandwiches were out quickly, and the service was friendly. The owner made frequent rounds to make sure everything was okay.
One of things I enjoyed most about Pappy's was the cross section of St. Louis lunching there. There were fancy corporate types pulling up in Mercedes, SLU students, office workers, and other people just looking for some good BBQ.
Our other restaurant outing was last night after I gathered myself together and stopped moaning about my missed job opportunity. I might have been eating of misery last night, but I still enjoyed Tower Tacos. My only complaint is that I ate WAY too much. You see, their hot salsa is actually killer hot, and I enjoyed soothing my mouth and stomach with the I quickly developed a habit of eating a chip or two dipped in hot salsa and relieving myself with the horchata. For dinner, I tried a chicken and a chorizo sope. Sopes are thick tortillas with raised edges, and they were topped the meat, refried beans, and the regular lettuce and tomato. I liked the chicken, but the chorizo we get through Fair Shares has spoiled me, so I wasn't much of fan.
Next time, I'd like to try one of the more special dishes. And I'll definitely order the horchata again.
Okay, so this next photo doesn't have anything to do with the rest of the post. But it's my favorite photo from our Gatlinburg trip. It's Suzi and me, and obviously the world is being invaded by aliens:

Actually, we're just at the aquarium, in the tunnel running under the big tank.
Wow. That is a GREAT Picture.
I think we should exchange what we've both got. . . perhaps I'll burn some to CD for you. =)
sorry about the job thing... hope another opportunity comes up soon.
i haven't been to either of the restaurants you talked about on your post. they sound tasty and i'm looking forward to trying the horchata. let me know if you girls go again and maybe we'll join you.
my fireplace is up and running and that's where we spent most of our weekend so far... in front of it basking on its glow of fake logs and gas fire. we'll be knitting in front of it next wednesday, so see you then.
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