Here is the transplanting action:
We're either staring out the back window at the garden beds, or we're in the bathroom staring at the plants.
We keep Great Garden Companions handy, able to recite passages and open the volume at exactly the right page.
Porkchop decides to plant some strawberry plants, and I add spinach to my greens list.
We buy a trashcan for growing potatoes.
We are going crazy with planning things!
Tomorrow evening, we're finally going to actually plant things! Carrots, beets, onions, lettuce, spinach, and peas!
The onion sets came into our possession this afternoon from our neighborhood gardening store. Like many establishments in our neighborhood, it was initially difficult for us to ascertain the status of the store. Is it open? Is it closed? Is it closed closed? What the hell, is this how it always looks?
We finally figured out that this is how it always looks:
In some areas, this would pass for an abandoned building, no?
But, signs of life cropped up a couple of weeks ago!
Plants! Live! (As opposed to the layers of dead plants that litter the area.)
Onion sets are $1.75 a pound here, and the guy has red, yellow, and white. In addition to onion sets, you can buy parakeets.
So, by the looks of these pictures, you wouldn't guess that we had maybe an inch of snow lying about this morning! I would have planted things today, but the air was a tad chilly. Instead we purchased more seeds and a couple of strawberry plants.
Let the growing begin! (please!)
Yay a post! I went to the garden store a few blocks away Saturday and also almost didn't go in because it looked very closed! But it was open! (p.s. they had white rats and a white-winged dove...ooh baby ooh baby ooh) I started basil and pepper plants this weekend using a very non-sophisticated method (re-using some packaging containers from work, plastic wrap, and our southern exposure windows at home). I haven't even seen my community garden plot yet because our first garden spot meeting isn't even until Mid April! Its way to cold here to even think about planting things. Seriously, this is not Missouri...we don't plant until late May. WTF! Well, I hope there will be less bugs eating my plants! Maybe they don't have tomato hornworm here?
Beth, I think your seed starting method sounds just fine! Also, why do our local garden stores double as pet stores?
Alright. get over to the House and pick up your well-earned Rain Barrel.
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