Saturday, December 08, 2007

More Blahs

The dreary weather has me feeling sad and lonely, or maybe I'm just sad and lonely. At the end of a conversation with Porkchop tonight (who is sick in Albuquerque and sick of being in Albuquerque), I had to cry some.

I'm not feeling the holiday cheer so much.

What I am feeling are the cold drafts from the old windows in this apartment! GRRRRR!

Tonight I covered the windows in plastic and weatherstripped the door in the bedroom that opens to the porch. I'm thinking about hanging curtains over the living room and bedroom windows, and by curtains I mean big pieces of fleece that will look junky but will block the drafts.

I love old apartments but not old windows.

So, here's what I did today:
  • Woke up and put a chicken cassoulet in the slow cooker (chicken, onions, carrots, white beans, mushrooms, and herbes de Provence (which I made up using various spices that I already have because why pay a spice company for just a mix of spices?)).
  • Took my car in for an oil change. I also had the power steering fluid replaced, which made a HUGE difference in my car's handling.
  • Went to the Rock-n-Roll Craft Show. It's in the Mad Art Gallery this year, and it was packed. There were a lot of fun things for sale, but I didn't buy anything. That's what happens when you start to do crafty things. For me, anyway, it becomes really difficult to buy other crafts because I'm constantly thinking, I could do that. I could make that and that and that. The things that I couldn't make - inlaid cutting boards - were too pricey for me.
  • Stopped by Gus' Pretzels for a garlic and butter pretzel. If I lived in that area, I would go to Gus' everyday. (Please note that it pains me to type "Gus'" instead of "Gus's" since the latter is correct. Last time I checked, "Gus" was just one person.)
  • Straightened and attempted to weatherize the apartment.
  • Knitted and started to question life. Also, I snagged a small patch of my Interlocking Balloons scarf on a bit of velcro. Murrr!
On the schedule for tomorrow:
  • Baking biscotti and cookies for work.
  • Maybe going to the Independent Art Market. Maybe.
  • Avoiding thinking about what needs to be done at work next week.


7-letter Deborah, never a Deb said...

Hang in there--We did the long distance thing for many, many years--we'd watch tv long distance and do x-word puzzles long distance. I went to the TG Mkt this weekend & thought, I wonder if Carrie will post about this? So, you know folks are thinking about you :)

Carrie said...

Oh, I forgot about the market this weekend!! I need to make a calendar of the winter markets.

Blech, long distance sucks. I will be okay for the most part, and then I will just become really sad out of the blue.

Many, many YEARS? That's rough.

Thanks for the thoughts!