I knitted half of an Interlocking Balloons scarf before being distracted by the holidays. So, on Wednesday night, I met Becca at Companion Bakery, wound my next skein of yarn, and picked up where I left off. Of course, it wasn't so easy because I wrote down the WRONG row number the last time I worked on it. Becca helped me sort out what the real row number was...I think it only took me 20 minutes to make a final decision.
Tomorrow, I think I'll pick up my Jaywalkers and finally finish them this week. They better fit and wear nicely because I've had such trouble with this project. Did I ever write that the size 1 metal DPNs that I picked up in November turned out to be size 0s?? I finally bought another set of bamboo size 1s a few weeks ago for a baby hat, so I can continue again with the socks. I HAVE to finish them...working on such a small project for over a year is a bit embarrassing.
And then there's the Icarus vs. Muir question.
But, anyway...
I spent most of the week still in vacation eating mode, which means I'm shocked that I can't go out to eat twice a day.
The re-entry has been tough.
I've fallen to dinners of grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and red bean ice cream milkshakes.
Keetah is so not amused.
Actually, she's angry that vacation eating is over for her, too. No more Friskies wet packs!
I'm still working on finishing up a big data import at work - this is a project that I've been working on since the end of January in my "free" time. The IT director and I worked on it together for a couple of hours on Friday. After we thought we were nearly finished, we came across a sort of Big Thing. When some records were moved across instances, a vital piece of information (vital for our center, anyway) was dropped.
By this time, it was after 4:00 and the party to celebrate our school regaining its number one ranking was underway. This was perfect timing, as I needed a drink, and there was wine and beer to be had.
Of course, having a beer made grocery shopping after work not so fun.
And when I had to go to another grocery store at 9:30 for cornstarch, I was super pissed off. I guess I could have waited until today to make cherry-lime jam (from the latest Everyday Food), but I wanted jam and English muffins for breakfast Saturday morning, darn it.
I had an English muffin with cherry-lime jam for breakfast.
After breakfast and dish washing and refrigerator cleaning, I went to yoga.
I specifically went to the 11:00 class because my favorite instructor teaches it. So, I was a bit disappointed to learn that she is on vacation this week. The sub started the class by having us assume a restorative yoga pose with a block under our back. This was great until she proceeded to read a poem...a really LONG and annoying poem.
I can usually be down with such things and focus on the positives of such situations, but this poem-reading really ticked me off. I would get so much more out of something like breathing exercises.
Fortunately, the class improved immensely once the poem ended.
After yoga, I cleaned up and made a lunch of chicken-black bean fajitas. After that, there were more chores like balancing the checkbook, paying bills, and taking the recyclables to the sorting site.
I did have a bit more fun when I stopped at Bowood Farms for tomato food and a birthday gift. Oh, but I was so sad to learn that I missed hearing one of the founders of Seed Savers speak by only a couple of hours!
I rounded out my day by stopping at Van Gohz for Suzi's 30th birthday.
Tomorrow....more yoga, more cleaning, more knitting. The excitement never ends!
Do you think Keetah misses me?
I imagine that's why she walks around meowing for no apparent reason.
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