First, I had my hair cut down to 2 inches (yay!). Second, I knitted on a baby hat. Third, I talked to my parents and learned that my dad needs back surgery pronto (murrrr!). Fourth, I talked to Porkchop. Fifth, a dually pickup smashed up a half dozen cars on my street and then a guy across the street came out with a gun and shot at the pickup. And then there were police cars and the police helicopter.
No, seriously, that's what happened. Here's a shot of a couple of the cars from my porch. Notice how much the pickup in the picture was moved - it was originally parked parallel to the curb. Also, the car behind the pickup has been pushed up onto the grassy strip between the sidewalk and the curb.
Yeah, this happened REALLY close to my apartment. Also, I nearly parked on that part of the street, but decided at the last moment to take a spot on the upper part of the street. So glad I did.
Porkchop and I were Skyping, and she was starting to read me her letter of application for the second year of Tamarind. She was a few sentences into it when I heard: VROOOMMMMMSMASSSHHHHSMASSSHHHHHVROOOOOOM SMASSSHHHHHHHVROOOOOOMMMMM
A bit distracted, I turned my head at the noise, trying to figure it out. Porkchop asked what was going on, to which I replied, "I don't know, it sounds like a truck is running into all the cars on the street."
Porkchop started reading again, and then we heard, " POP....POP ....POP....POP... POP...POP." Porkchop said, "Are those gunshots?!" And I said, "I don't know, maybe."
Porkchop started reading again, but I had to cut her off because I could hear lots of people talking outside and I wanted to go see what happened.
I was floored to realize that a truck HAD gone down the street, smashing cars, and that a guy came out of one of the 4-flat buildings and started shooting at the truck.
Police cars arrived quite quickly, and the police asked us to stand on our porches because they were bringing in a canine cop (why, I don't know. Is the dog going to pick up the scent of the TRUCK? Of course, maybe they're sniffing for drugs.)
Not too long afterwards, the police helicopter started searching the area. And now nearly our entire block is cordoned off.
Crazy! CRAZY!!!!
After finishing talking to Porkchop, I had to call Beth and Katie so that I could hear Beth say, "What?! WHAT?!"