The shoulder and sleeve seams took an embarrassingly long time because I would make a few stitches (slowly, slowly), look at my progress, make sure things were still lined up, and then do a few more slow stitches.
Also, this Peruvia yarn is so sticky, it's hard to see the bars for the mattress stitch. And if you need to rip out any of the seam....forget it. And, finally, it does shred. Fortunately, this only happened to me at the end of the seams.
I hope I have time tomorrow to finish the other whole sleeve. But, you know, I might like to venture outside of the apartment for something (Okay, I'm exaggerating. I was only in the seam zone for under two and half hours. Only. And I did leave the apartment today for a couple of baked goods from Veruca, which is a great little bake shop attached to Niche.)
YAYAY!!! Strike a pose!
That sleeve looks good.
Congrats! It looks great!
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