Sunday, October 26, 2008

Well, That Hurt

I just cut my finger while scoring Xes in chestnuts. Supposedly, there is a special tool that will do this for you.

I recommend purchasing that tool.



Bianca said...

Oh I'm jealous! Not about the finger cutting of course. But about chestnuts. I love roasted chestnuts and must have them soon. Where did you buy yours?

Bianca said...

btw: sorry about your finger

7-letter Deborah, never a Deb said...

Ouch! I assume those were CSA chestnuts--tell them you want your money back! :) Is it interfering w/ your knitting?

Porkchop said...

I like that, upon cutting your finger, your first instinct was to blog about it. I'm surprised you could type.

Also, how you neglected to mention how I swooped in and provided immediate medical attention.

Hope you're healing well.