Friday, February 09, 2007


I didn't want to go to sleep last night, and I didn't want to wake up this morning. Murrr!!!!

I just ate an asiago cheese bagel to stay awake...but that doesn't really work, now does it?

Earlier, I was cleaning up some files on our website server. After deleting a batch of really really old things that the public should no longer see, I tried accessing our announcements page (run off a database), and it wasn't working! Oh how my palms began to sweat thinking that I had broken the thing (I inadvertantly messed another webpage yesterday, but it totally wasn't my was I to know that someone had updated code on the remote file, but didn't do the same on the local?). Luckily, after waiting a few breathless moments, it started working again.

Anyway, that's how my day has been....moving through a sleepy fog and hoping that I don't mess up anything.

St. Raymond's
I'm glad to see others enjoy the Wednesday luncheon!

Also, if you must get your fix of raw kibbeh, I hear that they serve it around special occasions. My co-worker said that she had tried it there before.

I think my mom would enjoy the raw kibbeh...she grew up eating raw meat because her parents had their own livestock and could trust their butcher. I'm pretty sure I had raw beef as a kid after seeing my mom take a pinch or two of it.

Oh my.

This Weekend
I'd like to make some cheddar scones tonight and then have scrambled egg-cheddar scone sandwiches for breakfast tomorrow.

Yes, I think that's a good plan.

Also, I hope to start on Sheldon. I would link to the Knitty pattern, but I'm too tired for that.

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