ps. I'm strongly encouraging Vivian to read your blog right now. Especially the post from this weekend, which is SURREAL to the MAX. Except that I had a very similar sitution happen to me at my place on 6th.
No--that was a different time. There was a high speed car chase that resulted in a crash right in front of my house on 6th, and then the police officers drew guns and fired warning shots. But no crazy dude. Well, sure, he was doing a crazy thing, but by the time he was caught, he was pretty much spent.
but who does your tilted duster resemble? And keetah?
I thought about running one for Keetah - maybe tomorrow.
Did you see Amanda's on her Facebook page? It's rather funny.
yes. and the subsequent comment by vivian, all of which made me giggle deep deep inside.
ps. I'm strongly encouraging Vivian to read your blog right now. Especially the post from this weekend, which is SURREAL to the MAX. Except that I had a very similar sitution happen to me at my place on 6th.
What happened to you? I remember your car windows being broken (right?).
No--that was a different time. There was a high speed car chase that resulted in a crash right in front of my house on 6th, and then the police officers drew guns and fired warning shots. But no crazy dude. Well, sure, he was doing a crazy thing, but by the time he was caught, he was pretty much spent.
I am freaking on bamboo yarn now.
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