Things were the same nearly a year ago. Remember July 19? When hardly anyone in the stinking city had power? Fun times, fun times. I think there should be a power outage festival to commemorate that time. My sinus problems last year were due to sleeping outside in the un-conditioned air.
Last year at this time right now, we were at the Gay Games in Chicago. Truly fun times.
But What About Now?
As summer weekends go (read: weekends during which Porkchop works 12-13 hours shifts at Six Flags), this weekend was great.
After a leisurely wake-up on Saturday, we hit the Soulard market. But, before getting out of bed, I had a brief cry about Porkchop's upcoming trip to Albuquerque. We were looking through the New Mexico books that my mom gave us and becoming excited about tooling around the desert, taking a day trip to Santa Fe, and trying lots of New Mexican food. Then I thought about coming back to St. Louis and how I will be so sad and lonely. After my cry, I squeaked my right eye on Porkchop, which cheered me up some. (P.S. P-chop found a fully furnished (as in silverware and bed linens provided) apartment with Internet included just a block away from Tamarind.)
Porkchop became excited about the Soulard farmers' market when she realized that she could buy doughnuts AND freshly made pork rinds.
I was excited for tomatoes and cantaloupe. Here I am checking out tomatoes:
We also bought rosemary-olive bread by the Black Bear Bakery (hey, support your local anarchist bakery!) and avocados (from Mexico).
Upon returning home, Porkchop left for the park, and I started making crostini toppings for the Boob-Ha-Ha event. Both toppings were goat cheese based (Goatsbeard Farm = best goat cheese ever). One topping used roasted beets, while the other used avocado, tomatoes, and basil. I don't think the other Boob-Ha-Ha attendees were too keen on the beet one, but I love it. So, here's the recipe:
Trim 3-4 medium beets of their greens (also, washing is important). Put on a baking sheet and drizzle with olive oil. Toss with cut up rosemary and thyme (4 or so sprigs of each) and pepper (around 15 grinds). Roast in 400 F oven for 40 minutes or until tender. Shake the pan every so often.
Let beets rest for 15 minutes. Remove the skins and quarter. Pulse the quarters in a blender or food processor. Don't overdo it - you want chunks.
Crumble in 4 oz of goat cheese (I used goat cheese that had been rolled in pepper - yum!). Also put in juice of half a lemon.
Serve on crostini. Yum! Also, pretty!
For the rest of Saturday afternoon, I knitted:
Grumperina's Odessa, if you don't already know. I'm using that luscious Debbie Bliss Rialto stuff.
So, Saturday night was the Boob-Ha-Ha party and live auction. It was enjoyable and nice to meet other bloggers in real-live person. Of course, I was also suffering from a sinus headache and felt a bit blechy. But, lots of money was raised. There will be hair dying and possibly some head shaving going on later.
Porkchop and I slept late late late (well, at least until 9:30) on Sunday. After finally getting up, I made brunch using leftover crostini toppings. Scrambled eggs with the avocado and tomato one and a big piece of olive bread smeared with the beet topping. Yum!
Porkchop also found this:
Our first tomato!! AWESOME! I've found another pea-sized tomato on the same plant, which should result in yellow Roma tomatoes. Grow, tomatoes, grow!
The rest of Sunday was cleaning, knitting, yoga, and grocery shopping. I finished the Odessa hat at 11:30 last night. Porkchop made tons of fun of it because it looks little, but it seriously stretches out to fit a regular-sized head. Hopefully the recipient has a regular-sized head. If not, we're in trouble.
And Today
The financial director at work stopped by my office and asked me if I was okay. I realized that I must have been grimacing the whole morning. Stupid travel reimbursements. Hate them so much.
We're (read: me) also starting to clean up our contacts database because our school is switching to a CRM system. This means we have to figure out which of our 6,000 records we want to import and clean up those records. Another major pain.
On the plus side, I am still SO GLAD to be at my center. Whenever I hear the crazy racist and classist comments that the general public makes, I realize that I work with some freaking terrific people.
I was so busy running amok during the party/auction that I totally missed your crostinis! And most of the things on the food table, for that matter. I remember seeing the beets, making a mental note to come back for some, and never making it back. I would have loved them!
That unsuspecting reader will be quite lucky. And I bet her head fits in that hat. (Thanks, it's lovely.)
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