Friday, November 17, 2006

Some Might Call Me Creepy

So, I recently finished my first recreational reading book, Sarah Vowell's Assassination Vacation, and left to my own devices as I received no recommendations from any readers, I decided to continue picking out my own books.

During lunch, I went to the very bottom level of the main library and had to move numerous bookshelves in order to get to my next selections: Mary Roach's Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers and Harold McGee's On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen.

This way, I can read about the stages of human decay (it's been awhile since my forensic pathology class, so I can use a refresher (ha! refresher!)) and then consider the changes that meat goes through as it's cooking.

Next up on my list: Elizabeth Royte's Garbage Land: On the Secret Trail of Trash.

P.S. My trip to the library was made worthwhile when the checkout girl laughed at the Roach book and said it looked fun.


Anonymous said...

I like creepy. But only good creepy--not bad creepy.

cj (getinmymouthstuff)

Anonymous said...

Duh. I guess I didn't read your post carefully, since that's the book you mentioned. Um.

Anyhow, I read it last year just before I read Assination Vacation, and I think you'll like it. She doesn't take herself too seriously, and explores some of the historical and ethical context for corpse use in research.


Carrie said...


Guess I should post a reading comprehension quiz for each post.

Would you ever be up for a trip to the Mutter Museum?

Anonymous said...

I'D LOVE to go to the Mutter Museum! A always talked about it and brought me back things from it--she's been many many times.

Maybe we shoudl plan a spring time get away. Why does Porkchop want to go to Disneyworld instead of creepy museums? Oh the tragedy.


EBuz said...

I loved Assassination Vacation. I am kind of odd like that. My parents could not take us kids on a roadtrip without stopping at a Civil War battlefield for me.