While traversing the grassy area, I spied an object that the non-knitter might identify as a tampon or suppository case. The initiated, however, can identify it as a Clover Chibi case for tapestry needles. My thought was not, "Score!," but "Oh! The poor knitter who lost this!" and "Poor little muddy Chibi!" I scooped it up and nestled it in my hands.
Once in my building, I washed off the mud and checked its contents. Yep, 3 needles in various sizes.
What do I do?
I don't feel right keeping it, but how on earth will I find its owner? Should I throw it back in the grassy area and hope that the owner goes looking for it? I don't want a non-knitter to pick it up and then discard it once he or she finds that it is not a drug case.
Or, is this a sign of some sort? Like, I am following the right path as a knitter?
Poor little Chibi...it's an older one, like this:

So, dear readers, what should I do?
Longer post later, in which I will fill you in on our encounter with a fire truck, my new beautiful cabled hat, and my sore hands and wrists. Also, recipes!
You should make a little poster that says, "Found: Chibi case. Call 555-555" And put it up near that area. Also, it could have the picture on it. That would be the best thing.
Or you could understand that you have a gift from the universe and that thoughtless people who forget cute knitting things in public like me just get used to saying "damn."
I think you can only put up the poster if it says "Is this your case? Found Chibi case. Responds to 'Pumpkin.' Call 555-5555.
And then post cute pictures of it ala stuffonmycat.
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