Friday, June 22, 2007

Oh, Nino

Circus Flora was tops again this year (ha! tops! big with great new acts and reliable local acts.

Sometimes I think the whole ribbon-aerial thing is a bit tired (you know, Cirque du Soleil has done it to death), but there was a duo this year that really amazed everyone. I'll have to look at my program again for their names (they're these people). You could definitely sense the bond between them, and everything was amazing and beautiful.

The Flying Wallendas weren't as spectacular this year because they only did a 3-person pyramid instead of a 7-person one. Yes, we quickly become spoiled. A 3-person pyramid with 2 people on bicycles on a tightrope without a safety net is still freaking amazing.

Li'l Donald is still with the St. Louis Arches and once again brought us to tears with his cuteness. So small! He could easily fit in one of our pockets...

Also, Nino had a little Nino this year who was also SO CUTE and pocket-sized.

If you live in St. Louis and don't go to see Circus Flora, you are SO missing out!!!

I love reading the performer bios and imagining what it would be like to be born into a circus family, as many of them are. Growing up on the trapeze or with an elephant? Crazy!

Speaking of things in St. Louis, if you've never been to Serendipity, you're also missing out. Porkchop and I finally went last week, and the ice cream is fabulous. I had gooey butter cake and cappuccino chip. It was a good combination, but next time I hope to have cinnamon and gold coast chocolate.

Can you tell that I'm either:
1. Not so busy with conference things.
2. Ignoring other work and taking long internet breaks.

3. All of the above.

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