- I'm a lightweight.
- The guy bartender at MoMos makes them strong.
- I am maybe a lightweight.
Seeing how I was all a bit fuzzy when I went to bed, it was especially difficult to get up and go to Gus' Pretzels at 8:00 am. But it was worth it. I brought back these for a certain someone:

Those pretzel numbers are 15 inches high. We're talking big pretzels here, folks!
I had decided to finish the flower washcloth on Sunday, even though I did not have a set of size 6 double pointed needles. That's right....I decided to finally try the Magic Loop method!
So crazy!
It's actually not that bad, but I highly suggest watching the instructional video on this website. Magic Loop is a lot like using 3 dpns...if you imagine the cable on the circular needle as one dpn. However, Magic Loop requires shifting your yarn around A LOT; and, like using dpns, you have to be careful to avoid those gutter seams that sometimes form where the dpns meet (know what I mean?).
I'm not totally happy with the result...you can definitely see where I switched from in-the-round-with-a-circular to the Magic Loop. The stitches aren't quite as tight and pretty. See what I mean:

Maybe you can't see it so much in the picture, but you can in person. I will definitely be purchasing a set of size 6 dpns.
Also, here is a pic of my first finished gift pouch. Note the fancy fringe work:

After Knitting
To take a break, I walked down to Hartford Coffee Company for a decaf latté. When I was across the street from the coffee shop, a kid yelled out to me: Hey! Do you know how to fix a bike chain?
To those of you who think I'm only a Knitter or Someone Who Cooks, you should know that I am also a Fixer of Bike Chains. Of course, it was an easy fix, but I still enjoyed assisting a 10-year-old-ish girl with her bike.
Unfortunately, the chain was more than a bit rusty, so my hands became quite dirty. Since the coffee shop's bathroom was occupied, I had to order with dirty hands. I felt so embarrassed when the barista handed me my change because I couldn't hide my dirtiness! And then I had to explain that I just fixed a kid's bike. But I don't think the barista knew what I was talking about because she just looked at me like I was crazy.
Oh, also, on my way to Hartford, I realized that I left my cell phone in my car, which was then parked at Six Flags. Murrrr.
Since I couldn't make a few intended calls after my coffee break, I did things like: laundry, make orange-almond shortbread, do yoga, and wash dishes. What I did not do: work on my school paper.
All in all, a very good Sunday.
Until that Night
Sunday night, I couldn't sleep at all! I was so wound up thinking about work things and the skill tests that I was scheduled to take for my off-site job prospect. My current workplace is supposedly making me an offer sometime this week, but I'm also continuing to pursue my other job prospect.
So, the skill tests went fine. I don't know why I was nervous. Actually, I do know why: I get nervous about things. That's just who I am.
Anyway...work has been busy. For a change.
So that is all for now.
Have a great day/afternoon/night!
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